Races in Morrowind. Part 6.

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The Imperial

The imperial race is native of the province of Cyrodiil, in the central-south of the Tamriel continent. The province is highly civilized and the main island, situated right in the centre, is the governing centre for the Empire, with Imperial city being the island’s main city. As a result of being such a cultured region, the Imperial race is comfortable with civilized settings, in the main presenting themselves as well-spoken and highly influential individuals.

Although not being as strong as some other races, they are skilled light-infantry warriors, and provide services to the Empire mainly related to their persuasion and diplomacy skills. They also make good merchants, often seeking fame and glory in these aspects. All these traits are combined into making the Imperial race one of the strongest politically, having subdued all other races and remaining as the main political force of Tamriel.

Attributes, Skill and Abilities

The Imperial race is most known for their strong personality and ability to make friends with powerful political influences. The Personality attribute starts at 50 points, and Intelligence, Strength and Speed all have good starting values in 40 points.

Main skills are, as a result of their imposing personality attribute, Speechcraft, Mercantile and Long Blade. These all offer a +10 modifier, making the Imperial not only suited to buying and selling, but also a strong fighting force when holding a powerful weapon. Other minor modifiers are found in Light Armor, Blunt weapon and Hand-to-Hand combat.

Special Abilities: Star of the West – Absorbs fatigue 200 points on target. Voice of the Emperor – which Charms 20 to 50 points of the chosen target, making him or her more prone to release important information.

Playing the Imperial

Since they have such a high personality, it is an ideal choice to shape your character as a spy or diplomat. You can also build a merchant prince, with great persuasion skills and innate ability to haggle.

Baring all the above in mind, this character doesn’t start as frail at all, which means you can also concentrate on the fighting aspects of the character should you choose to. The strength and weapon abilities could provide the ideal grounds for playing a Diplomatic Knight for instance.

This post is part of the series: Morrowwind Chracter Creation Guide

The complete guide to character creation in Morrowind, becoming a vampire, character skills and more.

  1. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 1
  2. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 2
  3. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 3
  4. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 4
  5. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 5
  6. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 6
  7. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 7
  8. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Becoming a vampire, part 8
  9. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 1
  10. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 2
  11. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 3
  12. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 4
  13. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 5
  14. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 6
  15. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Character Skills, part 7
  16. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 1
  17. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 2
  18. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 3
  19. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 4
  20. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 5
  21. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 6
  22. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 7
  23. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 8
  24. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 9
  25. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Races of Vvardenfell, part 10
  26. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 1, Attributes
  27. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 2, Birth signs
  28. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 3a, Classes
  29. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 3b, Classes
  30. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 3c, Classes
  31. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 4a, Diseases
  32. Morrowind Character Creation Guide: Part 4b, Diseases