Space Rangers 2 Cheats

Space Rangers 2 Cheats
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In Space, No One can Hear You Break the Rules: Space Rangers 2 Cheats

Like thousands of other games, Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators and Space Rangers 2: Reboot include a cheat system that allows players to spawn powerful items, increase their cash reserve or otherwise manipulate the game universe in various ways. Cheats in Space Rangers 2 are activated by holding both the Shift and Control keys while typing the cheat’s keyword. Each cheat has a value in Cheat Points, gained at a rate of one point per day, and each cheat can only be activated in specific circumstances such as on planets or during space flight. For example, holding Shift and Control and typing “superhull” while in space will increase hull size by 30% at a cost of 250 Cheat Points.

All cheats are listed in the following format: Cheat - Cost - Location - Effect

Space Rangers 2 Cheats for Items and Equipment

…but many others require a specific location to activate, such as an Equipment Store.

Item and equipment cheats can create powerful items or modify existing items to improve their performance.

  • Artefact - 40 - Hyperspace - Will place a random artifact in the player’s hold.
  • Arts - 10 - Space/Equipment Store - Places one of every artifact in the player’s hold.
  • Bomb - 60 - Space - Places two Quark Bombs in the player’s hold.
  • Coolweapon - 150 - Equipment Store - Adds one random high-level weapon to the Equipment Store inventory.
  • Device - 10 - Space/Equipment Store - Places one max-level engine, fuel tank, repair droid, grappler, shield, radar and scanner in the player’s hold. Manufacturer race is the player’s current race.
  • Hugemoney - 300 - Space/Planet - Sets the player’s credit amount to 100,000. Will not work if player’s credit amount is equal to or over 100,000.
  • Ideal - 10 - Space/Planet - Changes the player’s current hull type to the Ideal class, opening all equipment and artifact slots.
  • Klissanitem - 160 - Scientific Base - Places one piece of Dominator equipment in the player’s hold.
  • Lowcostweapon - 20 - Equipment Store - Creates one random weapon with an extremily low cost to the Equipment Store inventory.
  • Module - 10 - Space/Equipment Store - Places one of every Micro Module in the player’s hold.
  • Packing - 300 - Space - Reduces the volume of all installed equipment by 50% of its current volume.
  • Pelengsurprise - 100 - Peleng-owned planet - Doubles the range of all Peleng-manufactured weapons. Relations with non-Peleng planets and ships deteriorate.
  • Superhull - 250 - Space - Increases hull size by 30% of the base hull size value.
  • Weaponstrength - 200 - Pirate Base - Increases maximum weapon damage by 10 to 20 points. Non-Pirate relations deteriorate and the player’s class changes to Brigand.

Space Rangers 2 Cheats for Rank and Status

Some cheats are great for bolstering your skills and abilities…

Rank and status cheats modify the player’s game status, raising their military or Ranger rank or improving their skills and abilities.

  • Ammo - 10 - Space - Unlimited ship fuel and ammunition for weapons. Weapons no longer need to recharge in Hyperspace.
  • God - 10 - Space - The player becomes invulnerable to all forms of damage.
  • Illness - 10 - Space - The player becomes sick with all possible illnesses.
  • Nextrank - 90 - Military Base - Promotes the player to the next possible pilot rank.
  • Program - 10 - Space/Planet - Player gains 100 runs of every computer program.
  • Rangerpoints - 150 - Ranger Station - Increases the player’s Ranger Points by 1,000. Will not activate if the player’s current Ranger Points are equal to or over 1,000.
  • Showmap - 10 - Space - Shows all map sectors.
  • Skill - 10 - Space - Maximizes all player skills.
  • Stimulant - 10 - Space - The player is affected by all stimulants in the game for one year.
  • Technic - 10 - Space - Equipment does not deteoriate.

Space Rangers 2 Cheats for NPC and AI Modification

…while some are great for just blowing stuff up.

NPC and AI cheats modify the behavior or attributes of non-player entities in Space Rangers 2

  • Boom - 30 - Hyperspace - Destroys all enemy ships in Hyperspace. Will not activate if Keller is present.
  • Drop - 60 - Space - Makes the nearest ship drop all items and equipment except for engines and fuel tanks.
  • Haterangers - 10 - Space - Non-Ranger ships are hostile to all Ranger ships. Station and planets will maintain their normal relationships to Ranger ships.
  • Horror - 10 - Space - Dominators begin to rapidly attack systems across the galaxy.
  • Klissancall - 20 - Space - Summons a Dominator fleet to attack the player’s current system.
  • Klissanmax - 20 - Space - Creates a Dominator fleet for every system currently held by the Dominators.


All screenshots are from Space Rangers 2: Reboot.