Gears of War Games

Find game guides, walkthroughs, cheats, unlockables and gameplay tips for all the Gears of War games at Altered Gamer, advice for the gaming generation, written and vetted by experienced gamers.

Earning Every Ribbon in Gears of War 3

Earning Every Ribbon in Gears of War 3

Ribbons are accolades that you can earn in any form of multiplayer competition. Some of them come from each multiplayer game mode, while others come from arcade chapters or Beast and Horde modes. Earn them all and be the most well decorated COG soldier in history.
Unlocks, Cheats, and Secrets in Gears of War 3

Unlocks, Cheats, and Secrets in Gears of War 3

Gears of War 3 is a fun game on it’s own, but sometimes you just want to enhance the experience a little. Unfortunately the days of the Konami Code are over, and cheat codes are few and far between. There’s still plenty to tweak, and we’ll tell you how!
The Ultimate Gears of War 3 Walkthrough - Act 2

The Ultimate Gears of War 3 Walkthrough - Act 2

Welcome to the second part of the five-part Gears of War 3 walkthrough! This article will cover Act 2 for you, from the shipwreck onwards. We’ll help you through tough encounters and spot the locations of the various collectables and COG tags. Read on!
Final Act Walkthrough for Gears of War 3

Final Act Walkthrough for Gears of War 3

Fighting past Locust and Lambent is nothing new for a player this far in Gears of War 3, but Epic still hides collectable items in unexpected places. Learn how to get all the collectable items and some tips for the final bosses in this walkthrough for Act 5 of Gears of War 3!
Act 4 Guide to Collectables and Tags in Gears 3

Act 4 Guide to Collectables and Tags in Gears 3

With that touching scene finished, it’s time to begin Act 4 of the epic Gears of War finale. Gears 3 picks up and throws you into the action right off the bat, and it hasn’t let up yet. Find out where to go to find all the collectables with this complete Walkthrough!
Act 3 Walkthrough - Gears of War 3

Act 3 Walkthrough - Gears of War 3

Welcome to the third part of the Gears of War 3 walkthrough. This guide will help you find each of the collectable items available in the game and will help you past particularly tough encounters. So let’s dive in shall we?
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